
Monday 4 June 2012


This is a taster for the amazing photography you'll be seeing at Sahara Nights.

Women raising tents, Ed Harriman
Ed Harriman graduated from Amherst College in Mass., USA. He has dedicated his life to producing political and investigative documentaries and is a regular contributor to the London Book Review. Has worked closely with John Pilger on a number of films and just recently finished a film investigating massive scale US corruption linked with “rebuilding” Iraq.

View of Smara camp, Bernat Millet

Bernat Millet is a Spanish London-based photographer and visual media artist who recently won the Taylor Wessing Photographic Portrait Prize (2011), having one of his pictures on Saharawi landmine victims exhibited at the National Portrait Gallery (London). His project Saharawis aims to expose the consequences of state violence by Moroccan forces as well as the ineffectual efforts of the UN and international community to resolve the situation. 

Starry night, Andrew McConnell
Andrew McConnnell is an award-winning Irish photographer who began his career as a press photographer covering the closing stages of the conflict in his homeland before transitioning to more in-depth social documentary work around the world. His images have appeared internationally in publications such as National Geographic Magazine, Newsweek, Time magazine, The New York Times, The Guardian, FT Magazine, Vanity Fair, the Sunday Times Magazine, Der Spiegel, L’espresso, and Internazionale. His collection The Last Colony is an innovative and highly personal portrayal of the Saharawi people.

More info:
Andrew McConnell:

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